The People's Republic of China is a unitary multinational state created jointly by the people of all its nationalities. 中华人民共和国是全国各族人民共同缔造的统一的多民族国家。
It is very urgent and necessary to strengthen cooperation in cracking down on multinational corruption crimes in the face of fleeing out of the state, public funds outflow and loss that are more and more serous day by day. 面对日益突出的外逃、外流、外失潮流,加强打击跨国腐败犯罪合作就显得尤为迫切和必要。
Multinational Corporation's M& A plays an important role in the fluxion of state-owned assets storages, perfection of Chi- 跨国并购对于盘活国有资产存量,完善我国产业结构、优化公司治理结构起着重要的作用,尤其是对正处于放开搞活、调整和优化产权治理结构的国有企业来说,更具有深远的意义。
It is a historical symbol structure that the Chinese nation is a unitary multinational state. 该庙是中华民族多民族统一国家的历史标志性建筑。
The multinational merge and acquire state enterprise not only the requirements of looking for a new investment method, extension the investment in China, but also meet the requirement of enterprise reforming, economic system innovating, open outward policy and the social economic developing. 在我国,外资并购国有企业既是外商寻求新的投资方式、扩大对华投资的需要,也是国企改革、经济体制创新、对外开放和社会经济发展的需要,这是中外双方供求均衡的结果。
In a state, especially in a multinational state, how to deal with the relationships between national morality and state morality is an issue concerning both national interest and state interest. 在民族国家特别是多民族国家中,如何看待并处理好民族道德与国家道德的关系,是一个事关民族利益和国家利益的大问题。
To prevent tax avoidance has always been a multinational field of taxation of each sovereign state an important issue, China is no exception. 防止跨国公司避税历来是每个主权国家税收领域的重要课题,我国也不例外。